

Could help to have the attribution also mention the book (I am assuming these are from the martian?)

Post-card 1

Maybe re-center the image? or make the image larger on the desktop arrangement. It could overall add some more balance to the image.

Post-card 2

I really like this one, perhaps move the explosion image up a bit on the dekptop one so that it seems like it is coming more in the middle of the statement?

Post-card 3

Add more seperation between the quotation and the attribution for the desktop one.

Re-arrange the text on the desktop one. I assume the point is to make it evoke the feeling of being alone in a void, but it is just missing something. maybe adding more stars? Or moving the text further away from mars? Also, maybe moving the attribution to the other side of the planet like in the mobile set up might help.

Consider adding stars to the mobile one. Would help balance out the image. it is just a little un-balanced with how low the planet currently is.